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I fell in love with two men when I was six years old.

Their names were Ben, and Jerry.

I have loved them ever since.

Quality chocolate rates among good music and close friends in its ability to positively affect my mood. I have been the designated dessert maker in my family for as long as I can remember, and to this day my nightly indulgence is one of the few consistencies in my life. When I think of youthful bliss, I imagine children licking ice cream cones as pink liquid cascades down their fingertips. Things seemed so much simpler back then.

Today’s media-driven society is fueled by images of flawless female bodies marketing quick and painless weight-loss pills. It is estimated that approximately eight million Americans currently struggle with some form of an eating disorder. In a society where both mothers and their 12-year-old daughters are dieting, sugar and carbohydrates have become the designated “evil” food groups to be avoided at all costs.

But I beg to differ.

I have come to the conclusion that the secret to happiness is finding a true balance between the competing forces of life. This is particularly true when it comes to delicious food.

We all want to have our cake and eat it, too; but we also want to fit into our skinny jeans. I firmly believe that people must care about their health…but only as much as their happiness.

The secret is moderation, in all things good and bad.

Strict deprivation only leads to feeling — you guessed it! — deprived. Following an intense diet without any leeway usually leads to a night of binging.

My next few blog entries are dedicated to finding that perfect balance between being healthy and being happy. They do coincide, after all — when applied correctly.

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